2nd Week Of Classes/ Weekend Outings

 Hello, my fellow readers,

    The 2nd week of classes has gone better than the last week of classes. There was more interaction in class and I felt that I had now gotten a little bit used to the British education system. I still need a little more work with getting used to the 3-hour seminar, but if there are more physical activities in class then the time will go fast. I am now working on a pantomime in my applied theatre class and we are mixing the storyline of Cinderella and Princessa Aurora by showing the Elementary School students that wherever they come from, no matter their background they are still able to go to any university they want. Our professor wanted our class to perform for children who believe they are not able to go to university and who are scared of going to university and we want to show them that university is not a scary place and it is a place full of possibilities. I believe this will be a good experience for me to actually know what applied theatre is all about. This assignment would be my final assignment for the semester and I would have a meeting with my professors about my experiences and what I would change or what I liked about the assignment. I am actually really excited to be able to say that I performed a pantomime in England. I have wanted to be able to perform at Hope University and I can't wait to see what this experience will be for me. My Hollywood cinema class is a class that I enjoy a lot because not only do we watch blockbusters movies but we also have discussions of the movie. For my seminar, we have to bring clips of a theme for the class like picking a clip of a movie that has a toyetic scene of the movie. I picked a clip from Avengers Endgame that showed the infinity stones because the infinity stones were the theme of the movie and it became a toy that children would want to have for Christmas. Overall, This week has been great classwise but I also got to explore deeper in the city center of Liverpool and have gotten the privilege of going to the theatre to see a musical. In the city center, I have gotten to go to the Walker Art Gallery, the National Museum, and the Central Library with a friend. I was absolutely blown away by the art and statue in the art gallery. It was unbelievable how these great artists were able to make these real-life statues and show great details in their paintings. 


The Walker Art Gallery.

The Entrance to real-life statues.

Adam and Eve.
In another section of the museum, there is a display of how women would dress in the 1900s.
A little cafe and shop.
I never thought the day would come when masks would be on display in the museum. I'm still shocked. 

Big paintings

18th Century section of the museum

John Moores paintings were mostly abstract but with very much details and some of his paintings tells a story which I love. 

This is one my my favorite paintings of John Moore. This painting is called I'd Rather Be Whole Than Good. This is an oil painting and look at it one can see different people doing different things. Every angle you look at is something different. 

     After visiting the Art Galllery, I went to the Library and it was very modern except for the study rooms where students, who went to a University near the city center, would go and study. It looked like a study room from a movie because of the old style that part of the library looked liked. If I was close to the library in the city I would of gone there multiple times. It felt like a nice, calm environment to study in.                                                             
The Library Central
The amazing open space when you walk through the doors. On the left there is a small cafe and it is a three level library. 
The Study Room

Another angle of the study room. I didn't want to go in and disturbed them by taking pictures while they were studying.
    We took a nice tour of the library and walking to the next building was the National Museum. This museum has 5 levels and me and my friend was walking up the stairs because to many people were using the elevator, especially mother with their babies in their strollers. On each floor there was a Doctor Who exhibit, which one had to have a ticket to get in, a Dinosour exhibit, NASA exhibit and a planetarium show which again one needs a ticket to see the show, the aquarium, and an exhibit about the animals bones/ insects for the children. All the exhibits was very nice experience and I have learned a lot from them too. I learned the evolution of mankind, about different cultures, because there was also an Egyptian and an African exhibit, and about the environment that are ar risk.
The National Musuem
How it looks in the inside. On the left there is the cafe and a gift shop. Where the little bridge are, on the left are the exhibit of the bones of the animals and on the right are the rest of the exhibits.
The Aquarium.
Fishes. There is even a dory fish in this tank too.
Creepy Insects
Egyptian Exhibit. This description means the Liverpool National Musuem.
This is the Entrance of the exhibit and I find it cool that the floor is like a map. 
The Mummy Room

One of the displays in the mummy room which I find creepy to say the lest. 

Dinosaurs Exhibit
Evolution of humans
Great creations
      After a long day of walking and seeing amazing histories of art and about the living creatures of the world, I ended my day going to the Empire Theatre to see an Irish musical called Strictly Ballroom. It is a story about a man who can not stay in tune with the rules of dance and the rules of the ballroom competition. For this reason, he does not have a partner to compete with and he later runs into a girl who works in his family dance studio bissness. She convinces him to take her as a dancing partner even though she is a beginner and he does not like the idea of teaching her how to dance in less than 3 weeks away from the competition. While he teaches the girl and meets her family they fall in love with each other and shows the world that if you feel it in your soul then the rules must be broken to achieve what you want in life. Meaning that rules are meant to be broken to be able to experience new things in life. In this case traditions in the ballroom can be broken to bring in new dance moves for the next generation. It was my second time watching a professional theatre, the first show I watched was Aladdin on Broadway, and I was blown away by the singing, dancing, and costume. I loved every part of this musical and it is a moment that I will never forget.
The Empire Theatre
Strictly Ballroom
Gotta take a picture
The Final Bow

    Overall, this had been a good week full of adventure and learning new things. Next week I will be going to London and I am very excited to see what I can find in London. 

                                Until next time my fellow readers.


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